Client Responsibilities
We value your trust and support in providing your pet with proper veterinary care and working with us through this national veterinary shortage. The Nunda Veterinary Clinic’s team is committed to providing your pets with the most compassionate care possible. We will continue working diligently to schedule appointments within an appropriate amount of time for your pet and situation.
Please be respectful, use appropriate language, and report concerns promptly for a safe and fair veterinary visit.
Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
Disclose complete and accurate information about your pet's health and behavior history, including providing access to previous medical records.
Respect others and their pets and Nunda Veterinary Clinic's timely and equitable patient care.
To ensure client and patient safety, properly leash or crate your pet while on site and limit interactions with other animals/clients during your visit.
Read, understand, and honor any consent form/estimates you sign.
During your pet's hospitalization, it is essential to respond promptly to any communication attempts and acknowledge that if you fail to do so, Nunda Veterinary Clinic may need to provide treatment. Please note that the pet owners will be responsible for any associated costs.
Report any concerns or issues promptly.
Threats of legal action can result in immediate dismissal, with no further treatment given and owner will be financially responsible for treatments already completed.
Use appropriate language and tone.
Examples of inappropriate language include which can come in any form (over the phone, email, or in person)
Profanity, degrading comments, insults, vulgar, sexist language, radical/religious slurs
Bullying Behavior
Intimidation, as well as acts of violence or threats.